Year’s Best SF 5
editor David G. Hartwell
(HarperCollins/Eos 0-06-102054-0, June 2000, $6.99, xv + 494pp, pb)
  • xiii • Introduction • David G. Hartwell • in
  • 1 • Everywhere • Geoff Ryman • ss Interzone February 1999
  • 14 • Evolution Never Sleeps • Elisabeth Malartre • ss Asimov’s July 1999
  • 36 • Sexual Dimorphism • Kim Stanley Robinson • ss The Martians, Voyager, 1999
  • 57 • Game of the Century • Robert Reed • nv F&SF May 1999
  • 94 • Secrets of the Alien Reliquary • Michael Bishop • pm Time Pieces, Edgewood Press, 1998
  • 97 • Kinds of Strangers • Sarah Zettel • nv Analog October 1999
  • 124 • Visit the Sins • Cory Doctorow • ss Asimov’s June 1999
  • 145 • Border Guards • Greg Egan • nv Interzone October 1999
  • 174 • macs • Terry Bisson • ss F&SF October/November 1999
  • 186 • Written in Blood • Chris Lawson • ss Asimov’s June 1999
  • 204 • Has Anybody Seen Junie Moon? • Gene Wolfe • ss Moon Shots, editors Peter Crowther & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1999
  • 222 • The Blue Planet [“Mars Reacts!”] • Robert J. Sawyer • ss Toronto Globe and Mail December 11 1999
  • 229 • Lifework • Mary Soon Lee • ss Interzone June 1999
  • 238 • Rosetta Stone • Fred Lerner • ss Artemis Spring, 2000
  • 255 • An Apollo Asteroid • Brian Aldiss • ss Moon Shots, editors Peter Crowther & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1999
  • 271 • 100 Candles • Curt Wohleber • ss TransVersions #10 1999
  • 288 • Democritus’ Violin • G. David Nordley • ss Analog April 1999
  • 311 • Fossil Games • Tom Purdom • nv Asimov’s February 1999
  • 362 • Valour • Chris Beckett • ss Interzone March 19999
  • 379 • Huddle [Manifold] • Stephen Baxter • nv F&SF May 1999
  • 404 • Ashes and Tombstones • Brian M. Stableford • ss Moon Shots, editors Peter Crowther & Martin H. Gree
  • 422 • Ancient Engines • Michael Swanwick • ss Asimov’s Feb ’99
  • 433 • Freckled Figure [1992] • Hiroe Suga; translated by Dana Lewis & Stephen Baxter • ss Interzone March 1999
  • 457 • Shiva • Barry N. Malzberg • ss Science Fiction Age May 1999
  • 466 • The Queen of Erewhon • Lucy Sussex • nv F&SF September 1999